Coming In From The Cold

26 New Zealand male survivors share their personal stories of sexual abuse

In a new publication that records the last 10 years in the development of Tautoko Tāne Aotearoa, you will read the stories of 26 Tautoko Tāne staff and clients who have generously shared their survivor experiences to raise awareness of the impacts of sexual violence and to support the important work of the only national network in New Zealand that is dedicated to enabling the wellbeing of male survivors.

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News & Events

"No man is an island, entire of itself; every man is a piece of the continent, a part of the main."
- John Donne

Scale of abuse allegations in Dunedin Diocese revealed

Abuse allegations were levelled at nearly one in five Dunedin Catholic priests since 1950, the church has revealed. New research has been published by Te Ropu Tautoko, the group that co-ordinates Catholic Church engagement with the Royal Commission on Abuse…

How a Millionaire Meat Man Abused Young Men For So Long

There’s been this fascinating (in an awful kind of way) story going on in New Zealand, where the 85-year-old multi-millionaire businessman called Sir James Wallace has been sent off to prison for sexually abusing three young men. What makes this whole story…

Survivors of clergy sexual abuse tell their stories

Survivors of sexual abuse by members of the Roman Catholic clergy in Pennsylvania tell their stories in this video created by the Office of Pennsylvania Attorney General. The AG’s office recently released the results of a grand jury report investigating…

Crown responder disbelieved abuse allegations

Iona Holsted was singled out for criticism in the Royal Commission’s report on redress for being among officials who suggested lawyers were drumming up false or exaggerated claims The Government appointed career bureaucrat Iona Holsted to lead a unit responding to victims…

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