Coming In From The Cold

26 New Zealand male survivors share their personal stories of sexual abuse

In a new publication that records the last 10 years in the development of Tautoko Tāne Aotearoa, you will read the stories of 26 Tautoko Tāne staff and clients who have generously shared their survivor experiences to raise awareness of the impacts of sexual violence and to support the important work of the only national network in New Zealand that is dedicated to enabling the wellbeing of male survivors.

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Our People

"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in service to others"
Mahatma Ghandi

Ko te huarahi pai ki te kimi i a koe anō ko te ngaro o tō mahi ki ētahi atu
Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Mike Holloway

Chair | Trustee

I am committed to ensuring that all male survivors of sexual abuse should have access to support services. As a member of the national organisation I am working to make sure that these services are accessible within all of our communities and regions. While supporting male victims of sexual abuse is our priority service in the Bay of Plenty, we also work with male victims of physical, mental, emotional and domestic abuse.

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Jessica Fulford

Treasurer | Trustee

I am a Chartered Accountant and I support not-for-profit groups in my community.  I believe everyone should have access to the support services they need and Male Survivors Bay of Plenty provides a much needed support services for our local male survivor community. helps in filling a void for male assistance.  I am proud to be part of this organisation and to use my skills and experience to support to the organisation and assist in promoting its development growth so we can reach the people who need our help.

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Tony Chamberlain

Secretary | Trustee

I work with not-for-profit and social enterprise communities to develop on-purpose strategic agendas and effective governance frameworks. I am proud to be working with my colleagues in MSSAT Aotearoa to build a capable national organisation, enabling its member organisations to provide an appropriate nationwide support service for the male survivors of sexual abuse.

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Cy Messenger


I worked with Male Survivors BoP in a commercial capacity for several years before being offered the privilege of joining the board.Coming from a marketing and technology background my key roll is to support the organisation with marketing and communication strategies as well as internal communication and collaboration systems.

I am motivated to see Male Survivors BoP’s reach and awareness grow throughout the greater Bay of Plenty region.

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Lehi Hohaia


Tena tatou. My name is Lehi HOHAIA, I was raised on a farm in Putaruru. I left Putaruru at the end of 1979 and joined the NZ police. My career involves working as a police officer on the street for 12 years and then joining  the Rotorua Criminal investigation branch as a detective for 20 odd years. I then went on to specialise for the Sexual and child abuse team here in Rotorua. Most of my time was spent at the Auckland Hospital working with the families of abused babies.

I now am the Pouwhakataki or Maori Liaison officer for Rotorua and I work with iwi and Hapu and the community here to help reduce Maori offending and victimisation. I do lots of programmes out of the local Marae which include Methamphetamine, whanau violence, Te pae Oranga, Te kooti Rangatahi, alcohol Impairment drink driving programme, Working with the Gangs here in Rotorua and the Bay of Plenty. 
Last year awarded a Queen service Medal on behalf of the iwi here in Te Arawa for services to the community.

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Pere Paul


He uri ahau o Te Arawa waka. He uri ahau hoki o Ngai Te Rangi/Ngati Ranginui Iwi Ko Pere Paul taku ingoa.

My name is Pere Paul and I descend from the Te Arawa tribe (Rotorua) and Ngai Te Rangi/Ngati Ranginui (Tauranga moana).

I am currently the Service Manager with Ara Poutama Aotearoa – Department of Corrections in Tauranga, having worked in the department for the past 35 years.

My interests include spending time with my whānau, riding my pride and joy motorbike, and I enjoy all sports. I am currently coaching rugby (Te Puna Premier Coach) and have coached at premier and representative levels in men’s and women’s rugby. 

I am passionate about working with our people, whānau, hapū and Iwi, and building relationships with our government and community organisations.

I have many years of experience on Trusts and Boards in the Rotorua and Tauranga districts, I am also a Board member and trustee with Te Tuinga Whānau.

I only moved to Tauranga from Rotorua a couple of years ago and am happy to call Tauranga home.

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Dr Moana Tane


Tēnā rā koutou katoa. Kō Te Rōroa, Ngāti Korokoro me Ngāti Hine ahau.

I have a background as an academic and also with Indigenous primary health care and mainstream social services. I currently lead a non-violence service in Tauranga Moana.

Tautoko Tāne supports men who have experienced sexual violence, with hope, recovery, and a strengths-based approach to building mutual and trust-based relationships.

It is an honour and a privilege to be contributing to this kaupapa and ensuring male victim-survivors have access to this high quality, and important support in our community.

Fred Vercoe


Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Bruce Montgomery

Manager | Peer Worker

Bruce lived and worked in Nelson for 27 years. Where he actively volunteered for victim support. In the latter years he worked in the role of mental health support worker and working to support men who had experienced traumatic or acquired brain injury. He completed his formal counselling training in 2009 and moved to live in Gisborne. Employed by Family Works Gisborne he worked as part of a team to establish and provide a counselling and support services at Tauawhi Men’s Centre.

Bruce moved to Hamilton in 2015 where he has largely worked as Aftercare worker for the Salvation Army in Springhill prison and Te Ara Tiatia Drug Treatment Programme in Karaka unit Waikeria prison as programme facilitator and aftercare worker supporting men through their journey progressing to sentence milestones. Bruce is an ACC registered counsellor and works with men who have experienced sexual abuse. 

Bruce has training and experience working with individuals, systemic approaches to couple and family counselling, and historical sexual abuse counselling. He is a full member of New Zealand Association of Counsellor’s (NZAC), and as previously mentioned is ACC registered. He works with integrity, bringing a realistic attitude with empathy, common sense, humour, and an understanding of the challenges people face.

Joanne Raana's Profile Photo

Uipo Uipo-Tagaloas

Lead Peer Worker

Uipo was born and raised in Samoa by his grandparents, his father passed away before he was born.  He moved from Samoa to New Zealand in 2003 at the age of 23. Uipo is a father of 1 adopted son, 2 foster son’s and 2 beautiful girls of his own, with his beautiful wife Nicole.

He has a passion for helping others with their holistic health and well-being. Uipo is a qualified personal trainer, with training and experience working with individuals and groups. Uipo is the founder of Bettalifestyle Fitness. He likes helping vulnerable communities with their health and well-being.

Uipo recently moved to Tauranga from Auckland with his family. He wants you to know that you can make a change and we a here to walk with you throughout your journey.

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